
farmShare, Urban Garden Coordination App

Back-End Developer

GraphQL, Express, NodeJS, Handlebars, JSON Web Token, bCrypt, MySQL, Sequelize

Lead Back-End developer in a group of four. This app allows homeowners with a variety of produce to get in touch with individuals willing to harvest some of it in exchange for a percentage of yield. I set up the GraphQL server and user authentication, tokenization, templating, and password encryption to maximize scaleability.

GitHub | Live Demo

Live Markdown Previewer

Front-End (React) Developer

React, Marked.js, create-react-app

Completed for freeCodeCamp's Front-End Libraries Certification, this app enables a user to write and edit markdown text in a live environment. This gives a user the ability to preview the text before committing it to a live repo. It uses the Marked.js library to convert markdown into html elements. It is all done in a single, simple React component.

GitHub | Live Demo
React Markdown Previewer
Dinner and a Show

Dinner and a Show

JavaScript Developer

Materialize, AJAX, jQuery, Firebase, Ticketmaster API, MapQuest API, async—await

Primary JavaScript Developer for a team of three. Collaborated using GitHub version control, slack, and in-person meetups for major decisions. This app Takes a user's location (or specified location, keyword, or date) and returns music events with food venues nearby, providing dinner—and a show—for the end user.

GitHub | Live Demo

Front-End Developer & Designer

Responsive Design, Flickr API, HTML API

Commission project for LEGO animator/builder. Collaborated using Google Docs—as our schedules rarely lined up—to specify changes that should be done, were done, and should be undone. Done so that the user's browser does not refresh between pages using HTML AJAX requests.

GitHub | Live Demo
Online Chess Game
Fully-functional online chess game using Firebase, jQuery, CSS Grid, and SweetAlert.js. Uses SweetAlert to notify users if it is their turn, they are in check, or if their opponent wants to undo. Code repository can be found on GitHub and played here.
Burger Devourment Simulator
This is an app using MySQL, Express and Handlebars—all deployed to heroku (employing Cloud DB)—to generate a list of burgers, eaten or uneaten. Files used can be found on the GitHub Repository
CLI Storefront Simulator App
Command Line app that allows the user to make purchases, restock inventory, add new products, add departments, and check total sales and profits by department, all stored in a MySQL database.
CLI Siri mock
Command Line app for searching spotify, bandsintown, and omdb APIs for song, concert, and movie data respectively. Logs all requests in a .txt file after logging to the terminal.
Matchmaking service based on introversion. Made using Express, SweetAlerts, and Heroku. All the files can be found on its GitHub page
React Soundboard
Soundboard made using React with a few soundbytes from my own music or friends' voice recordings I have. This was made with create-react-app for freeCodeCamp's Front End Libraries certification. Code is located on GitHub
Senior Project
MIDI converter that uses MidiConvert and jsPDF libraries to convert into visible sheet music in the form of a PDF. The program can be seen here and on GitHub.
FreeCodeCamp Profile
I have nearly 600 projects, algorithms, and lessons completed on View my profile and progress here.
FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Certificate
FreeCodeCamp offers 6 certificates and thousands of lessons for their Full Stack program. These are a couple certificates that I have been awarded thus far.
Music Box Animation
I designed a music box from scratch using SolidWorks, TuxGuitar, and Cura. All musical work was done by ear. Additional images and the project itself can be found on its GitHub repository.
Wikipedia Viewer
A Wikipedia viewer I programmed by learning Wikipedia's API and accessing it with JQuery. It also help develop understanding of CSS/JavaScript transitions and animations.
A webapp using GIPHY and OMDb's APIs to input a search query (presumably a movie) and display related gifs and movie/tv show information. For the code, see the GitHub
JavaScript Calculator
This is a calculator page I coded using JavaScript and CSS heavily to mimic many qualities of a simple physical calculator.
Quote Generator
A random quote generator I programmed using JavaScript and the words of some of my favorite philosophers and theologians.
Pomodoro Clock
This is a Pomodoro Clock programmed using JQuery. It allows you to set a timer to follow and take a set break after the length of every specified session length.
GPS Weather App
This is a GPS-based weather site I programmed using JQuery and FreeCodeCamp's API (Which is updated frequently, despite my attempts to keep the page current).
Vista Magazine Home Page Screenshot
I am the founding Web Content Strategist at Vista Magazine and a contributing writer. This position required a limited amount of HTML and CSS, however developed my understanding of social media outreach, engagement and content organization.
Walk it Off Album Cover
I wrote the album "Inside Joke" by Walk it Off and recorded guitar, bass, and some vocals for it. It can be downloaded and streamed on all major platforms.
TuxGuitar Screenshot
I have been writing music for over 6 years with various bands. I have developed several original compositions using TuxGuitar MIDI processor. The repository can be found on GitHub.